Time Flies

Seriously? I haven’t written anything since January? And it’s June? How the hell does that happen. I’ve barely gotten used to writing 2016.  How is it June?!?!?!

I recently returned from a “vacation” in Fresno. And I use the term loosely. A real vacation involves sun, sand, and drinks with pink umbrellas. My vacations for the last 15 years have been church banquets, trips to the Indian gaming casino, and outings to Target. Who doesn’t love those red carts.  And this year I discovered that Starbucks lets you borrow a plastic cup holder that attached to the side of the cart to hold your iced chai tea latte.  Pure heaven.

Not that I don’t enjoy all those things, but I would just love one year, to be an adult and do something a little more exotic than eating a tri-tip sandwich from Gazebo Garden food truck night.

To top things off, this last vacation was the most uneventful one of them all. Nothing even close to an international incident. I am of course, highly disappointed.  But Norway beckons at the end of June, Vikings and all.  Adventure is surely probable.

One thought on “Time Flies

  1. Let’s plan it! Seriously. I keep taking “vacations” to go work at camp! Not that I don’t love camp, but I would love a vacation with sun, sand and a drink with a pink umbrella!

    I’m glad you started writing again! Keep ’em coming!

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